AACD Accreditation: Your Competitive Edge

June 29, 2020 by AACD Executive Office

You’re the best in the business—at the top of your field. You’re a cosmetic dentistry superhero!

When you’re at the pinnacle of your profession, you know it. Not because you’ve learned it all and done it all, but because you understand that you can always push yourself to be even better. You’re honing your craft to the level of excellence—much like a professional athlete. With hard work and smarts.

And, like a professional athlete, you know being the best requires support and guidance. Take Tiger Woods for example. Woods is a name known across the globe for his meteoric rise to the top of his sport. In those first years, when Tiger exploded onto the scene and turned golf into a must-watch event, you would often see his swing coach, Butch Harmon, by his side. The power of a coach and a mentor is immeasurable and can inspire greatness.

The Power of a Coach

  • Highlights where there is room for improvement
  • Adds perspective that’s outside your own
  • Provides a wealth of knowledge from others that’s been compiled and analyzed
  • Builds confidence in your abilities
  • Supports your natural talents
  • Offers judgement-free insight

Any profession that strives for quality, not just golf, has superstars. Behind those leaders are their mentors, giving them the tools they need to take their career to the next level. In cosmetic dentistry, the AACD steps into the role of mentor, providing you with an Accreditation process and protocols that promote achievement and success at the highest levels.

The AACD Accreditation process allows you to achieve your full potential. Known as the world’s most recognized advanced cosmetic dentistry credentialing program, it puts you in touch with like-minded colleagues and promotes further education, giving you the opportunity for limitless professional growth. It’s a sign of your commitment to clinical excellence and includes evaluation and “coaching” support from the AACD Accreditation Examiner Mentors.

Becoming Accredited is not easy but those who have the drive to succeed, provide demonstrated patient results, and are lifelong learners, find their swing in the Accreditation process. You WILL become a more skilled and confident clinician, a leader in cosmetic dentistry. You’ll also see the value of mentors who appreciate your professional skill and knowledge as they coach you through your professional journey.

Being at the top of your field takes talent, practice, confidence, and dedication to continually pushing yourself to achieve more. You get to redefine what “being the best” means. The AACD brings coaching support to your professional pursuits and builds industry champions.

Harness the power of a coach in your own career and take the first step toward excellence and continued success. The Academy offers mentor-inspired confidence that builds champions.

Click to learn more about taking the Accreditation Written Exam.

You and the AACD: a winning combination!


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