Find an AACD Member Cosmetic Dentist Welcome to the AACD member list system. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF COSMETIC DENTISTRY MEMBERS DATABASE POLICY In order to be included on the Find an AACD Member Cosmetic Dentist database, Fellow, Accredited, Accreditation Candidate, Sustaining, Participating and General Members must be in good standing. |  |
Definitions of AACD MembershipAccredited Fellow is the highest credential earned in the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD). In addition to meeting the rigorous requirements of an Accredited member, an Accredited Fellow has successfully completed cosmetic dentistry that meets the Accreditation standard of excellence set forth by the American Board of Cosmetic Dentistry® for an additional 45 patients. By successfully completing this process, an Accredited Fellow demonstrates a continued ability and sustained commitment to deliver excellence in cosmetic dentistry. The status of Accredited Fellow pertains to one individual and does not necessarily denote the credentials of other individuals within their practice.
Accredited Member has successfully completed the comprehensive Accreditation process, which consists of a written examination, delivering and extensively documenting a broad range of cosmetic treatment solutions for five patients and an oral examination administered by the American Board of Cosmetic Dentistry. By successfully completing this process, an Accredited member demonstrates a very high level of clinical skill and ability in cosmetic dentistry. The status of Accredited Member pertains to one individual and does not necessarily denote the credentials of other individuals within their practice.
Accreditation Candidate is a member who has passed the Accreditation Written Examination, as well as delivered and extensively documented, delivered and passed one of the five required cosmetic treatment solutions for a patient to the standard of excellence as established by the American Board of Cosmetic Dentistry.
Sustaining Member has attended two of the last four AACD Annual Scientific Sessions, and has passed the Accreditation Written Exam. The Accreditation Written Exam is the first step in the Accreditation process.
Participating Member is a General Member who has attended two of the last four AACD Annual Scientific Sessions.
General Member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry® is a dentist or a technician who is interested in continuing education in cosmetic dentistry. Credentialing is not necessary for general membership.