Publications & Resources

AACD Members Stay on the Forefront
Publications & Resources

Volume 8 Issue 3 - Spring 1993

  Volume 8 • Issue 3

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Table of Contents:

Editorially Speaking by N. Summer Lerch, DDS, FAGD

From the President
A Year in Retrospect
 by Jonathan Scharf, DMD, FAACD

The Art of Cosmetic Dentistry
Projecting Your Image Part 1: Title Slides
by Bruce A. Singer, DDS
How to Improve Shade Selection Quality for Three Cents by Alvin Victor Pensler, DDS, FAGD

The Science of Cosmetic Dentistry
Alternate Bridge Design
by Martin G. Abel, DDS
Cosmetic Restorative Dentistry and Laboratory Technology in the 90's by Steven McGowan
The Gilded Ceramic Crown: An Application for the Restoration of Mandibular Incisors and Canines
by Robert S. Wright, BDS; Katharina Gramm, CDT; Ryosuke Takahashi, RDT; Wai Wing Chiang, RDT
What's New from Reality by Michael Miller, DDS, FAACD

Media, Marketing & Management
Translating Values into Meaningful Information for the Esthetic Patient
by Roger P. Levin, DDS, MBA
The Delivering of Cosmetic Dentistry by William G. Dickerson, DDS
Dental TV: Who, When, Where, Why and How by Douglas Hauck, DDS
Shop Talk by Claudia Holm

 aacdAACD Update
From a Little Acorn...A Large Oak Grew
by Jack Styles Kammer, DDS, FAACD
Newly Accredited
Report: International Marketing-Hispanic Nations Committee
by Martha Cortes, DDS
Informe: Comité Internacional De Mercadeo En Español by Newton Fahl, JR., DDS
New England Chapter Update by Mark E. Ellicson, DMD, PC