Publications & Resources

AACD Members Stay on the Forefront
Publications & Resources

Volume 21 Issue 4 - Winter 2006

  Volume 21 • Issue 4

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Table of Contents:

From the Editor
The Business of Dentistry: It's OK to Do the "Small Stuff"
by Michael Koczarski, DDS

From the President
Guiding Patient Treatment
by Nicholas C. Davis, DDS, MAGD

About the Cover Norman F. Huefner, DMD

Scientific Session—San Diego CA 2006
All-Ceramic Restorations on Discolored Teeth: Case Presentation 
by Stefan J. Paul, DDS, PhD and Nicola Pietrobon, CDT
Accreditation Essentials
Introduction to Accreditation Essentials
by Betsy Bakeman, DDS
Accreditation Clinical Case Report, Case Type 1: Six or More Indirect Restorations (Treating Upper Incisors & Canines) by Sarah Aylyard, DDS
Laboratory Viewpoint for Sarah Aylard, DDS by Michael Dole; Brent West
Examiners' Perspective for Sarah Aylard, DDS by Nils Olson, DDS, FAACD, FAGD
Accreditation Clinical Case Report, Case Type 1: Six or More Indirect Restorations (Treating Upper Incisors & Canines) by Marilyn Calvo, DDS
Laboratory Viewpint for Marilyn Calvo, DDS Keith (Kyosuke) Fujita
Examiners' Perspective for Marilyn Calvo, DDS by Nils Olson, DDS, FAACD, FAGD
Case Type I, Six or More Indirect Restorations (Treating Upper Incisors & Canines) by James Hastings, DDS
Accreditation Success Story by Catherine Santone, DDS

Give Back a Smile
A Valentine's Smile by David A. Schaefer, DMD, FAGD 

Clinical Science
Recovering Cases Using Single Tooth Immediate Implants by Robert Erlach, DDS, AAACD; Robert Jarvis, II, DDS
A Deprogrammer for Occlusal Analysis and Simplified Accurate Case Mounting by Don Jayne, DDS
A Minimal Intervention Approach to the Treatment of a Class IV Fracture by Frank Milnar, DDS, AAACD 

  Leaders in Dentistry
Interview: CAD/CAM Technology for the Esthetic Practice: Today and Tomorrow
by Norbert Ulmer, MBA

Practice Development
Communicating With Style: The "Little" Things by Sandy Roth
"The Road From Toronto": Mentorship in Dentistry by Paul Homoly, DDS, CSP
Strategies for the Business of Dentistry - Part 1: Overview for Success by Alan Richardson, BSc, MSc and Sandy Richardson

Students Information
Questions from Senior Dental Students by Simona Cuevas, DDS
Esthetic Team
The Wisdom of Shared Knowledge by Vicki McManus, RDH