An Economical Approach to Composite Veneers

July 10, 2023 by AACD Executive Office

According to the Dental Industry Association of Canada (DIAC)’s Twelfth Annual Future of Dentistry Survey in 2020, 26% of dentists surveyed said they will be completing more veneer cases in the next two years while 47% expected their volume will remain the same.

Many patients consider veneers a long-term investment; yet striking a balance between affordability and quality remains a challenge for many. More and more, dentists are opting to create resin composite veneers due to their excellent esthetics and the time and money saved from completing a veneer case in a single visit.  

Patients want to be “wowed” by the results, especially in cosmetic treatments, but also expect functional, enduring restorations. There is little margin for error with veneers, so it is essential to get them right the first time. By using OMNICHROMA and OMNICHROMA BLOCKER, dentists can achieve results that are both beautiful and reliable while keeping costs low, and procedures speedy and minimally invasive.

Twice winner of the Cellerant Best of Class Technology award, winner of Dental Product Shopper’s Reader’s Choice award, and Dentistry Today’s Reader’s Choice award

OMNICHROMA is the first one-shade universal composite trusted for restorations, from everyday classes of restoration to aesthetic cosmetic cases. The patented spherical filler technology allows the composite to seamlessly blend into even the toughest shades to match, while providing dependable strength, durability, polishability, and retained glossiness-universally. 

OMNICHROMA uses its innovative Smart Chromatic Technology to replicate a naturally occurring phenomenon called structural color. Its supra-nano spherical fillers diffuse the red-yellow-colored wavelengths of light that human teeth fall under, giving it the ability to shade match any tooth shade from A1 to D4. OMNICHROMA - with its dependable color matching, excellent esthetics, high strength, and minimal wear - makes it a practical, esthetic, and cost-effective solution to satisfy the quest for quality veneers.

Request a sample today!

Veneer Case Study with Dr. Ross Nash:

Ali is a 16-year-old who has just finished orthodontic treatment. His maxillary anterior teeth were unusually narrow, so spaces between his teeth still existed post-orthodontic treatment. The natural teeth were approximately A1, however, with a single shade composite like OMNICHROMA, no shade taking was necessary. OMNICHROMA BLOCKER was applied in the interproximal areas and OMNICHROMA for the facial on the six direct composite veneers for teeth numbers 6-11.


More veneer cases using OMNICHROMA:  



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