Continuing Education Allows Us to “Practice”

January 10, 2020 by AACD Executive Office

By Brenda Kay Jennings, DDS, AAACD

Sometimes I think to myself, how did I ever start a “practice” just out of dental school?  After four long years of dental school, I obviously thought I knew everything there was to know about dentistry – right?  I knew just enough to survive day-to-day, until that first full mouth rehabilitation case came in, and I didn’t know where to begin to help my patient. I was lost, and there were no instructors at the end of the hall to call for help.  At that point, I knew I needed to have additional training to be better prepared to treat my patients with the work they needed and desired.

I started attending every continuing education (CE) course I could, and yes it was very expensive and time consuming.  During a course I attended early on, I was introduced to the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD).  I started attending the AACD conferences, and when I saw the level of work that was being accomplished by these doctors, I knew I had to step up my game.  I also learned the AACD was a place where the doctors were willing to help and give their time to me to understand the materials and techniques that are ever-changing. I finally felt that I had jumped to the all-time high of continuing education, learning and growing along the way, I started the journey to AACD Accreditation.

As you start your journey to Accreditation, you’ll find yourself attending more and more continuing education courses.  Every course will give you “pearls” to use every day in your “practice”. To help with the Accreditation process and your need for continuing education, I encourage you to find information on the AACD Website.  We’re updating our Virtual Campus to bring you new and updated information each month from members of the AACD on subject matter pertaining to Accreditation and things you can use in your day-to-day “practice”.

As you start your journey to Accreditation, you’ll find yourself attending more and more continuing education courses.  Every course will give you “pearls” to use every day in your “practice”.

That rehabilitation case that walked into my “practice” helped me realize that the knowledge I received in dental school was just the beginning to a lifetime of learning. I finally understood why we call it a “practice”.. it’s because we never stop learning and trying to improve, it is a continual work in progress.  I challenge you to a lifetime of learning through the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry and encourage you to begin your journey through the Accreditation process. 

Also, take advantage of our learning paths in AACD CEntral to not only enhance your clinical skills, but also to enhance your practice management skills. 

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