by Phil Chahine, DMD, FAGD
The landscape of today’s workforce has changed dramatically and, in the past several years, the values most important to employees have morphed. Therefore, we as employers have to change the way we offer
our employment opportunities. Offering competitive compensation alone is no longer enough.
An effective tool to attract and retain talent is to incentivize the team in a manner that is mutually beneficial to each individual employee and the practice as a whole.
The “what’s in it for me” (or WIIFM) attitude can be leveraged to increase productivity and transform your office to a team led practice thus reducing the burden of growth on the practitioner.
Take my new course, Create a Team-Led Practice Through Incentivization, and
- Identify the variable expense factor, fixed expense factor, break-even point (BEP) and ideal percentages for each expense category on your profit and loss statement
- Learn how to analyze and identify the procedures or tasks generating valuable margins that are worth incentivizing in your practice
- Learn how to implement individual, team and group incentives based on the daily opportunities presented to each individual employee
Take this new course here and earn 1 CEU.