by William (John) Rowe, Jr., DDS, AAACD & Brett Magnuson, DMD, AAACD
AACD Accreditation defines the standard for excellence in cosmetic dentistry, including standards for excellence in dental photography. The AACD photographic protocol serves to enhance the learning process and elevate the profession because consistent, quality photography is the common thread that allows all professionals to share and observe knowledge.
All AACD Accredited Members are quite familiar with the AACD Accreditation photography protocol, and they will all testify to its value.
The protocol is employed when cases are submitted online for examination; the standardized 12 AACD Accreditation views allow for precise, thorough evaluation of before and after treatments. The 12 Accreditation views are also used extensively for communication between members in the process of Accreditation and their mentors. But the AACD photo series is also extremely useful in everyday dentistry.
The images can be viewed when putting together a treatment plan for a patient. It’s like having the patient sitting right there, in front of you. Specialist and physician referrals become easier with a visual of your patient’s needs. And dentists and technicians can use the photographic series for communication of technical nuances.
But the value of these photos doesn’t end there. Send before and after images to your patients via mail, email and text, so they can share their transformation with their family, friends and coworkers. And your patient images can be used on your website. What better way to differentiate you practice!
Not only is it important that we share our successes with our peers, but we should share them with the public, too. Quality AACD Accreditation photography enables us to do just that—communicate excellence to all!
The AACD prides itself in providing the dental profession with quality education that promotes the daily practice of responsible esthetics, and photography is no exception. During our scientific session, the AACD offers photography lectures and workshops that focus not only on reproduction of analytical images for evaluation, but the passion of the artistic process and the confidence and gratification of recipients of excellent cosmetic dentistry.