Evy Award Winners Announced at AACD Orlando 2022

May 17, 2022 by AACD Executive Office

The AACD was thrilled to finally have the chance to bestow our coveted AACD Evy Awards upon our deserving winners at AACD Orlando 2022. 

The AACD Celebration of Excellence Award statuette has been dubbed “The Evy,” in honor of the late Dr. Jeffrey Golub-Evans, who was the creative force behind the award’s design.
Since 1988, the AACD has publicly recognized dental professionals who make a difference to the Academy, the profession, and to their communities. The AACD honors its most accomplished and dedicated professionals with Evy Awards. Evy recipients are first nominated for the award by their colleagues and then are selected by the AACD Awards and Recognition Committee. Evy Award winners represent the most exemplary and talented individuals within the AACD who are dedicated to advancing excellence in the art and science of cosmetic dentistry at the highest standards of ethical patient care.


The Evy recipients acknowledged at AACD Orlando 2022:

Lee Culp, CDT

Outstanding Innovation in Cosmetic Dentistry Evy Award

Lee Culp, CDT

This award is given to an AACD Member who has had an exceptional impact on or made significant improvements to or advancements in the fields of cosmetic or restorative dentistry.

Lee Culp, CDT has been a member of the AACD since 1995. He is the CEO of Sculpture Studios, and is a recognized pioneer in Digital Dentistry and advanced functional aesthetic dentistry. Lee holds true to a belief that the attainment of perfection in restorative dentistry can only be harnessed through a unique combination of skillful application coupled with superior knowledge. As a world-renowned innovator and educator, he maintains an unparalleled focus and commitment to understanding the revolutionary, often complex, changes that continue to influence modern aesthetic dentistry.

He is a leading resource/inventor for many of the materials, products, and techniques used in dentistry today, and holds numerous patents for his ideas and products. Lee writes many articles per year, and his writing, photography, and teaching style have brought him international recognition, as one of today’s most exciting lecturers and innovative artisans in the specialty of digital dentistry, dental ceramics and functional esthetics.

Somkiat Aimplee, DDS, MSc, FACP, AAACDJournal of Cosmetic Dentistry Evy Award

Somkiat Aimplee, DDS, MSc, FACP

The jCD Award is given to the author or authors of an original Journal of Cosmetic Dentistry article published within the established year that is determined the best of that year. This is an industry-wide award.

Somkiat Aimplee, DDS, MsC, FACP, has been awarded the 2020-2021 Journal of Cosmetic Dentistry (jCD) Evy Award for his jCD article, for his jCD article, “Maximizing Invasive Feldspathic Veneers: Combining Digital and Analog Workflows”, co-authored by Pannapa Sinthuprasirt, DDS, MMedSci, PhD, Andres Acevedo, MDC, Alvaro Blasi, DDS, CDT, Aram Torosian, MDC, CDT, and Gerard J. Chiche, DDS. The article Dr. Aimplee is being recognized was published in Volume 35, Issue 3, of the Journal of Cosmetic Dentistry and was chosen because of its stunning imagery, resourceful information, and clear presentation. Dr. Aimplee is an assistant adjunct professor in the Oral Rehabilitation Department at the Augusta University Dental College of Georgia and currently maintains a private practice limited to prosthodontics and esthetic dentistry in Bangkok, Thailand.


Mohan Bhuvaneswaran, MDS, AAACD

Outstanding Service Evy Award

Mohan Bhuvaneswaran, MDS, AAACD

The Outstanding Service Award is given to a member who has gone above and beyond in their service to the Academy.

Mohan Bhuvaneswaran, MDS, AAACD, has been a member of the AACD since 2008 and is currently the director of Vignesh Dental Hospital, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, and the chief academic officer for Pearl Dental Academy, in Tamil Nadu. He has written numerous articles for the AACD’s flagship publication, the Journal of Cosmetic Dentistry and has won the AACD Affiliate Leader Award for his work as the President of the Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry India. World-renowned, Dr. Bhuvaneswaran has been an influential member of the AACD and has worked tirelessly for the AACD Member Relations Committee, reaching out regularly to international members and mentoring worldwide to dental professionals in process of AACD Accreditation.

“I would like to thank AACD for giving me this award. AACD has changed my life completely and I owe so much to this Academy. It's my duty to take it  forward to all the dentist around the globe and make them get all the benefits of this organization. This award makes to strive even more harder to spread the vision and mission of the Academy.” - Dr. Bhuvaneswaran

Bruce Crispin, DDS, MS, AAACD

Excellence in Cosmetic Dentistry Education Evy Award

Bruce Crispin, DDS, MS, AAACD

This award is given to an AACD member that through his/her efforts as an educator, has advanced the art and science of cosmetic dentistry. These educational contributions can be in a traditional educational institution or through seminars and lectures.

Dr. Crispin obtained his dental degree from the University of Michigan in 1972 and became a member of the AACD in 1990. His greatest accomplishments include becoming a Fellow of the American College of Dentists, creating the UCLA, Center for Esthetic Dentistry in 1989, and becoming an Accredited member of the AACD in 1997. His esthetic center was one of the first of its kind in a university and through this platform, Dr. Crispin has taught on local, national, and international levels, both lecturing and hosting hands-on programs. He has published over 45 research papers and abstracts, over 30 teaching publications, has produced over 40 educational videos, and has written a textbook titled, Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry, Practice Fundamentals, which has been translated into Japanese, German, Spanish, and Russian. Because of his many achievements, and his passion for sharing his knowledge with aspiring dentists on a global level, Dr. Crispin has been awarded the prestigious Excellence in Cosmetic Dentistry Education Evy Award.

“I have dedicated my life to private practice and education for the last 50 years.  My goal in education has and continues to be to make dentists better than they were and stimulate the journey to excellence.  With an alumni that includes 3 AACD presidents and 50+ accredited members, I think the small part Esthetic Professionals and I have played has worked.  Education must be focused on the student and not the educator.  This is why I feel such a strong bond to the AACD.” - Dr. Crispin

Bradley J. Olson, DDS, FAACD

Hall of Fame Evy Award

Bradley J. Olson, DDS, FAACD

The Hall of Fame Award is given to an AACD Member living or deceased, whose contributions to the field of cosmetic dentistry and services to the Academy have been significant, substantial, and long-standing.

Dr. Olson obtained his dental degree at the University of Maryland School of Dentistry and has been a member of the AACD since 1995. His greatest accomplishments include becoming an Accredited member of the AACD in 1998, attaining AACD Accredited Fellow status in 2005, being an active member of the American Academy of Restorative Dentistry, and becoming a Fellow in the Academy of General Dentistry. In addition to serving as the Fellowship Chair to the American Board of Cosmetic Dentistry (ABCD), Dr. Olson has demonstrated a longstanding commitment to the Academy with a clear passion and dedication to motiving other dental professionals looking to pursue, or currently pursuing the AACD Accreditation process. He also serves as the Treasurer of the American Board of Cosmetic and Esthetic Dentistry. Because of his many achievements, his passion for dental education and mentorship, and his dedication to the Academy, Dr. Olson has been awarded the prestigious Hall of Fame Evy Award.

“It is an honor to recognized by one's peers and colleagues and I am humbled and appreciative of this prestigious award." - Dr. Olson

Corky Willhite, DDS, FAACD

Lifetime Achievement Evy Award

Corky Willhite, DDS, FAACD

This award is given to an outstanding professional within the industry who has made outstanding contributions over his/her lifetime to the field of cosmetic dentistry. If the nominee for Lifetime Achievement is not an AACD Member, that nominee must have spoken at a previous Scientific Session.

Dr. Willhite has been a member of the AACD since 1990, achieved AACD Accredited status in 1991, and achieved Fellowship status with the AACD in 1997. Dr. Corky Willhite has had a special interest in Cosmetic Dentistry since this rapidly progressing field was first being recognized. After graduating from the LSU School of Dentistry in 1979, he continued his education, taking time out of his private practice with a goal-to provide state-of-the-art cosmetic dental care. A growing reputation for excellence led to his being asked to share his expertise with colleagues. Now he lectures frequently to dental professionals across the country and internationally.

“WOW! A Lifetime Achievement Evy Award is an incredible honor and means so much coming from the Academy that has done so much for me and my career. From the first meeting I attended in 1990 I knew the AACD was a different kind of organization, and the first people I met shared their skills to help me be the best dentist I could be. People like John Kanka, Jeff Golub-Evans, Buddy Mopper, Jeff Morley and so many others who were dedicated to bringing every member—and our profession—up to a higher standard. It makes me very proud to have been able to follow in the footsteps of a long line of passionate and skilled individuals who believe that Cosmetic Dentistry can make our jobs more gratifying and improve our patients’ lives at the same time. THANK YOU!” - Dr. Willhite

Greg Wright, DDS, FAACD

Humanitarian Evy Award

Greg Wright, DDS, FAACD

This award is given to an AACD member who has made outstanding contributions for charitable and philanthropic causes. All types of humanitarian actions, both within and outside of the dental industry will be considered for this award.

Dr. Wright obtained his dental degree from the University of Oklahoma and has been a member of the AACD since 1994. His greatest accomplishments include becoming an Accredited member of the AACD in 2000, attaining AACD Fellow member status in 2008, and becoming a Fellow in the Academy of General Dentistry. Greg helped establish and currently serves as the Dental Director at the Mission Health Dental Clinic in southeast Fort Worth, TX. The clinic is operated by volunteer dentists, hygienists and auxiliary personnel. Their goal is to serve the working-class uninsured neighborhoods in South Fort where about 15,000 adults live at or below the poverty level. Not only does the clinic help the community by filling the dental needs of the residents but it also brings great satisfaction to the volunteers. Greg’s hope is that all the volunteers will benefit from the knowledge that they are able to help others in ways only their profession can provide. Because of his passion for helping others in need and his dedication to the Academy, Dr. Wright has been awarded the prestigious Humanitarian Evy Award.

“The Evy I am receiving is the product of many people giving their time and service to our free clinic.  Though I am the clinical director, I am just one part.  This award goes out to all who are a part of the Mission Health Clinic.” - Dr. Wright

Cappy Sinclair, DDS, AAACD

Rising Star Evy Award

Cappy Sinclair, DDS, AAACD

This award is given to an AACD member, who has been a dental professional for 10 years or less, who shows the greatest leadership potential for the AACD or in the cosmetic dentistry industry in general.

Dr. Sinclair obtained his dental degree from the Medical College of Virginia at Virginia Commonwealth University and has been a member of the AACD since 2010. His greatest accomplishments include becoming an Accredited member of the AACD this year and obtaining a clinical role as a product evaluator for Contemporary Product Solutions and 3m ESPE. Dr. Sinclair has taught for the AACD Virtual Campus, served for three years on the AACD Board of Trustees and is now on the Board of Directors. Because of his passion for learning, teaching, and leading with the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, Dr. Sinclair has been awarded the prestigious Rising Star Evy Award.

“I would like to first and foremost thank my wife Lauren who inspires me daily to be the best version of myself, and my mentors who continue to help guide me on this path of excellence!” - Dr. Sinclair

This award has been renamed to the Dr. Nathaniel D. Hill Rising Star Evy Award

AACD's Board of Directors voted to memorialize Dr. Nathaniel Hill by renaming the Rising Star Evy Award in his Honor.
Dr. Hill joined the AACD in 2009 and was awarded the Rising Star Evy Award in 2012. He served as Chair of the AACD Professional Education Committee and also served on the University Relations Committee. Since joining, Dr. Hill attended eight AACD Conferences and we always looked forward to seeing him there.

Because of his passion for the Academy and helping others grow professionally in dentistry, the AACD has renamed the Rising Star Evy Award to the Dr. Nathaniel D. Hill Rising Star Evy Award.


Congratulations to these outstanding individuals who have inspired others and have continued to pursue excellence in the art and science of comprehensive cosmetic dentistry. 

For more information about AACD Evy Awards, please visit www.aacd.com/evy-awards



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